
Interface PluginPanel

public interface PluginPanel

PluginPanel is a template class for plug-ins written for QuickServer Admin GUI - QSAdminGUI.

The plug-in class implementing this interface must also extend javax.swing.JPanel class. The plug-in class must be made into a jar and plugin.xml needs to be written that describing the plug-in to QSAdminGUI. A sample xml is below
   <desc>Server Status Panel</desc>

Now both the jar and the plugin.xml file needs to be places in a directory by the name of the plug-in and placed in the plugin folder of QuickServer installation.

Akshathkumar Shetty
See Also:

Method Summary
 void activated()
          This method is called when the tab where plugin is loaded is activated
 void deactivated()
          This method is called when the tab where plugin is loaded is deactivated
 void init()
          This method is called before it is added to QSAdminGUI.
 boolean isActivated()
          This method indicate if the plugin is in active or non-active state
 void setQSAdminMain(QSAdminMain qsAdminMain)
          This method is the first method called after plugin is instanced.
 void updateConnectionStatus(boolean connected)
          This method is called when connection status changes in QSAdminGUI.

Method Detail


public void setQSAdminMain(QSAdminMain qsAdminMain)
This method is the first method called after plugin is instanced.


public void init()
This method is called before it is added to QSAdminGUI.


public void updateConnectionStatus(boolean connected)
This method is called when connection status changes in QSAdminGUI.


public void activated()
This method is called when the tab where plugin is loaded is activated


public void deactivated()
This method is called when the tab where plugin is loaded is deactivated


public boolean isActivated()
This method indicate if the plugin is in active or non-active state


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